(Large Kingdom) -- Symbol of might in the Hyborian Age, Aquilonia with
her legendary armies of Bossonian archers, Gunderland pikemen and
Poitanian knights, wields indisputably the supreme military power of
Western world. More than any other Kingdom, however, Aquilonia lies
surrounded by grim and unrelenting enemies. A long series of defensive
wars for survival must inevitably be fought (and won) ere Aquilonia may
seek empire beyond her borders.
Know, my Lord, that the kingdom of Aquilonia was founded upon the ruins
of the ancient and evil empire of Acheron, an empire which thy sires
laid waste to some three thousand years ago. The Aquilonians have
descended from the original Hybori tribes which drifted southward
following the time of the Great Cataclysm, when the very foundations of
the world were rocked and the oceans drank the civilizations of
Atlantis and Lemuria. Thy people are a mixture of this ancient Hybori
blood and of the nameless, scattered tribes which the Hybori conquered
in the course of their wanderings. From those early days of settlement,
the Hyborian kingdom of Aquilonia has risen to become known as "supreme
in the Western world," wielding at once immense military and economic
The Aquilonian people are a warrior race, proud, cultured, noble in
spirit, whose strength was forged through millenia of conquest. To the
throne of Tarantia, on the road of Kings, thou art now called to rule,
and rule wisely. Heed well my words, Great One, as I report to thee now
of the length and breadth of thy new kingdom.