War Magic Users With 6 Spells |
Eshafar Imbalayo DARF-6 Wizard Prime of Life 6 spells Reincarnate (5 times), Diplomacy, Earth Demon, Bless, Rains, Arcane Blasts Najak Velale HYPE-14 Wizard Young Adult 6 spells Long Life (7 times), Earth Demon, Far Sight, Magic Blast, Curse, Summon the Dead Phuknom Stu-rea KAMB-7 Priest Prime of Life 6 spells Long Life (8 times), Fanaticism, Far Sight, Curse, Prophecy, Rains Pursa Aye-eun KAMB-11 Wizard Young Adult 6 spells Diplomacy, Fanaticism, Far Sight, Fire Wall, Force March, Prophecy Lord Bankoo Pur-tho KAMB-12 Wizard Old 6 spells Fire Wall, Magic Blast, Missile Shield, Curse, Summon the Dead, Magic Weapon Meiling Chi KHIT-12 Wizard Young Adult 6 spells Long Life (9 times), Earth Demon, Far Sight, Magic Blast, Missile Shield, Curse Lord Yo Lou-Dze KHIT-13 Wizard Young Adult 6 spells Long Life (8 times), Far Sight, Curse, Summon the Dead, Sunbane, Arcane Blasts Karanthes Mentuphera STYG-17 Wizard Young Adult 6 spells Reincarnate (6 times), Diplomacy, Far Sight, Magic Blast, Prophecy, Summon the Dead Murad Yezdigerd TURA-12 Wizard Ancient 6 spells Diplomacy, Earth Demon, Far Sight, Fear, Arcane Blasts, Open Hand Kotan Gharu UTTA-8 Priest Middle Aged 6 spells Diplomacy, Dispel Magic, Fanaticism, Curse, Prophecy, Rains Garan Johdahr UTTA-12 Wizard Prime of Life 6 spells Phantom Warriors (4 times), Long Life (8 times), Diplomacy, Earth Demon, Curse, Mesmerism |
War Magic Users With 5 Spells |
Byruel Fyramerin BRYT-7 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Long Life (7 times), Magic Blast, Prophecy, Summon the Dead, Arcane Blasts Patrios Sevilris CORI-7 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Far Sight, Bless, Missile Shield, Summon the Dead, Magic Weapon Fjal Jalonern HYPE-8 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Earth Demon, Fanaticism, Force March, Magic Sleep, Prophecy Lahana Kaletar HYPE-12 Wizard Young Adult 5 spells Dispel Magic, Far Sight, Fear, Sunbane, Magic Armor Shushful Qolleh IRAN-6 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Black Death (4 times), Long Life (6 times), Far Sight, Rains, Sunbane Medina Banidar IRAN-7 Wizard Old 5 spells Long Life (5 times), Earth Demon, Far Sight, Missile Shield, Magic Armor Chief Lalo Tsewama JUMA-6 Priest Middle Aged 5 spells Reincarnate (3 times), Fanaticism, Bless, Prophecy, Rains Conpat Pursa KAMB-8 Priest Old 5 spells Black Death (4 times), Dispel Magic, Fanaticism, Curse, Open Hand Faran Tigou KESH-14 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Diplomacy, Earth Demon, Bless, Force March, Prophecy Arzhabath Krallides KHAU-9 Priest Prime of Life 5 spells Phantom Warriors (5 times), Earth Demon, Far Sight, Curse, Sunbane Insk Altaku RAJA-11 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Reincarnate (5 times), Fanaticism, Far Sight, Bless, Curse Tien Pai Pantung KUSA-10 Wizard Young Adult 5 spells Long Life (6 times), Fear, Missile Shield, Rains, Arcane Blasts Kuan Fen Feng KUSA-11 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Earth Demon, Force March, Missile Shield, Curse, Rains Orvietus Zorbeq NEME-14 Wizard Prime of Life 5 spells Long Life (5 times), Far Sight, Magic Blast, Magic Sleep, Mesmerism Redmin Zarus OPHI-11 Wizard Prime of Life 5 spells Phantom Warriors (6 times), Far Sight, Fire Wall, Magic Sleep, Magic Weapon Kilinoa Rulg PICT-8 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Black Death (4 times), Far Sight, Force March, Prophecy, Summon the Dead Lord Donis Akhirom SHEM-10 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Long Life (5 times), Far Sight, Fire Wall, Magic Blast, Strength Safaji Thututhmes STYG-15 Wizard Young Adult 5 spells Black Death (4 times), Long Life (6 times), Earth Demon, Bless, Open Hand Manshur Nehekba STYG-16 Wizard Old 5 spells Phantom Warriors (6 times), Diplomacy, Dispel Magic, Fear, Magic Blast Uskuda Bey TURA-13 Wizard Old 5 spells Black Death (3 times), Reincarnate (5 times), Earth Demon, Far Sight, Prophecy Tal Johdahr UTTA-6 General Young Adult 5 spells Phantom Warriors (3 times), Diplomacy, Fanaticism, Strength, Magic Weapon Ankana Tenerses ZAMO-5 Wizard Prime of Life 5 spells Far Sight, Magic Blast, Magic Sleep, Summon the Dead, Open Hand Jabula Amaranides ZAMO-6 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Reincarnate (4 times), Long Life (5 times), Far Sight, Curse, Mesmerism Karentides Baza ZAMO-7 Wizard Prime of Life 5 spells Phantom Warriors (5 times), Long Life (7 times), Fanaticism, Curse, Summon the Dead Duwaya Omarrah ZEMB-10 Priest Old 5 spells Diplomacy, Far Sight, Prophecy, Rains, Sunbane Riego Dicenovat ZING-7 Wizard Middle Aged 5 spells Black Death (4 times), Long Life (4 times), Curse, Rains, Arcane Blasts |