Links of Possible Interest
Reality Simulations, Inc.
Reality Simulations, Inc. - Producing fine play-by-mail games since 1984!
Lloyd Barron's The Road of Kings
The Road of Kings - The largest online gathering of Hyborian War players on the Internet.
John Holt's The Art of War in the Age of Conan
John Holt's website - Terrablood's "The Art of War in the Age of Conan."
Wikisource Page for Robert E. Howard
Wikisource page about Robert E. Howard that contains links to many full stories written by him
Uprightguy's HyWar Elite
HyWar Elite - Uprightguy's Hyborian War Database Utility Download Center
Vincent N. Darlage's Conan the Barbarian for 3rd Edition D&D website
Vincent N. Darlage's Conan the Barbarian for 3rd Edition D&D website
The Hyborian Age d20 Campaign Site
Hyboria.Xoth.Net - The Hyborian Age d20 Campaign Site.
Hyboria in Plastic
Hyboria in Plastic - Or the plastic adventures of Conan the Barbarian!
Robert E. Howard Electronic Amateur Press Association
Robert E. Howard Electronic Amateur Press Association - a new vision in the universe of the amateur press.
Conan Official Website
Conan.Com - The Official Conan Website.
Hyborian World - George Mackowiak's German language website about Robert Howard, the hyborian age), Conan of Cimmeria, and background information pertaining to them.
Hyborian World - George Mackowiak's German language website about Robert Howard,  the hyborian age), Conan of Cimmeria, and background information pertaining to them.
Border Kingdom - Home of the Hyborian Age Art Gallery
Border Kingdom - Home of the Hyborian Age Art Gallery
Amra the Lion
AmraTheLion.Com - A very nice website focusing upon Conan and the Age of Hyboria.
Mike Stelzer's Armies of the Hyborian Age
DBA Resource Page - Mike Stelzer's "Armies of the Hyborian Age."
Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures. A Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMO) set in the Conan universe as created by Robert E Howard.
The Cimmerian - A Journal dedicated to the life and writings of Robert E. Howard.
The Cimmerian - A Journal dedicated to the life and writings of Robert E. Howard.

The Conan Completist
The ultimate fan site about the upcoming Conan movie. The original site is in French, but this links directly to the English version of the site.

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